Thursday, 28 June 2012

Every day i'm shuffling


BIG apologies for my absence recently. After a lovely holiday I was delayed at the airport for over 20 hrs and then have been launched straight into my internship at Boudoir PR. Its been going great so far but extremely exhausting with my days being 6am - 8pm including commuting. These first few days have meant I have been home, eating and sending myself straight to bed. I shall give you a full update on my internship soon when I am in full swing and have lots to say.

For now, I want to share with you a brand that the agency I am doing my internship for represents. I, personally have never heard of the brand before but I have completely fell in love with it. Truffle Shuffle - yes I know, great name, need I say more? sells retro t shirts and accessories for both men and women. From band tshirts, funky teapots, hello kitty and retro programme inspired merchandise the brand oozes cool.

My personal favourites include 80's and 90's classics with operation, care bares, super mario and guess who t shirts. Definitely check them out, I cannot sing the brands praises enough. It has been so hard choosing just a few items to show you and just as the site says they are 'officially awesome' so make sure you visit them now for some quirky items for yourself or for a present for a loved one. All reasonably priced I think Truffle Shuffle will be huge.

TruffleShuffle Ladies Tshirts Accessories

I WANT all of these. Whats caught your eye so far?

Much love,

K xx


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Yes Sir!


Sorry I have not posted recently, I have been pretty busy catching up with friends, sorting out my life with jobs and careers and getting ready for my holiday (so so excited!) What have you all been up to?

Please do follow me on Twitter for more frequent updates where I will post links to my latest blog posts, comment on fashion and beauty news, my recent spending splurges and will ask all of you for your opinion on the beauty and fashion of the moment.

I am currently loving this 'Moustache' trend which is creeping up everywhere. Quirky, fun and British the handlebar facial moustache became popular in 18th and 19th century by the typical gentlemen of England and was then found popular around the world. Transfering this iconic image onto tshirts and jewllery I think this trend is very suited at the moment with everyone getting patriotic with the Royal Wedding, The Diamond Jubilee and The Olympics. I have never seen the country embrace British tradition so much and it seems the Fashion industry is jumping on the bandwagon too.

It just shows you can always add a twist to traditional British values. Here are my favourite high street buys which have been inspired with the moustache trend. The Missguided grey top is already in my shopping basket!

Yes Sir


£12 -

Cotton sleepwear
$48 -

ASOS enamel jewelry
$13 -

Black jewelry
£4 -

Nelly Accessories earrings
£6.95 -

Paul's Boutique | Tote bag with London Calling print | Paul's Boutique...
£12 -

What do you think? Are you a lover or a hater?

K xx


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Spending splurges

I've caved! I have spent again! My 'YOLO' attitude has returned. Booking a holiday and working extra hours to pay for it as a bad combination. New summer lines are tempting me for my week in the sun and with the quiet bank holiday I am spending my shift at Next looking at what I can buy or persuading myself that with my discount, every item being 'a need' and a bargain.

The first of my purchases was not actually from Next but with Boots next door I am constantly popping in. I never normally spend much on make up or jewellery, I always want to buy tons of jewellery to update my outfits and splash out on some expensive, quality make up but I just can't ever justify the cost when I could get a new outfit instead.

However, with my holiday coming up and cringing over last years photos where my exposed skin attempted to gain some rays I decided I needed to invest in a holiday foundation. I don't really like the idea of wearing foundation on holiday, I laugh at the vanity of those people who feel they need to wear it. I personally think its a good break for my skin and i'm only going to sweat it off anyway. ( Heat and I have constant issues) Despite this I am turning, I hold my hands up, I wanna look good! I still don't want to be seen to be wearing heaps of foundation but having something to skim over my imperfections might make me feel happier about my holiday snaps. I wanted something light, that offered protection but gave me some coverage.
Playsuit: Next, £26, Wedges: Next, £45, Foundation: No 7 Beautiful Skin BB Cream £12.95

Asking the cashier at boots she gave me what seemed a great yet honest recommendation saying she uses No 7 and that a lot of their foundations are light and have UVB protection. She also pointed out I had just been given a £5 off No 7 voucher making my purchase even more justifiable. In the end I went for No 7 Beautiful Skin. I am incredibly pale so went with the fair tone and suffer from dry skin so chose the Normal/Dry. It has a 5 star rating from UVA, is hyper-allergenic and has a protection of 15 SPF. My full review will come after my holiday when I have tested it out to it's full capability. Watch this space!

I then nabbed these wedges from Next for £45 (less with my discount) and this playsuit for £26. I love walking in wedges, I feel so much more confident and at ease. My work mate said she has some and they are the comfiest shoes she owns, again, another reason to spend the pennies. I think they will be perfect with a lot of my summer dresses with their natural tone and hessian heel.

I then couldn't resit the colouring for this playsuit. I noticed a lot of my outfits for holiday were block colour so was on the browse for bright and printed clothing. I am into orange tones right now but think this will work even back for the slightly colder British summers as well as being really comfy.

Anyone else been spending their pennies?

K xxx

Friday, 1 June 2012

London Girl

Yesterday I took a special trip to London. I don't like to jinx things so didn't mention it but I had an interview. The interview was for an internship with PR agency Boudoir Pr. Based in Soho, the company was established in 2003 and is a full service agency that look after fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands as well as restaurants, retail e-commerce and much more.

They have such a young, fresh vibe representing brands such as Nail Rock, Missguided and Lipsy and have worked with celebrities such as Paloma Faith and Pixie Lott in their Celebrity endorsements. I was so excited yet so nervous as the company seemed a perfect fit for me in kick starting my career.

I am so glad to say after a short interview I was contacted no less that 30 minutes later to say I had it! There will be more interns hired and at the time being I have agreed to a month. Due to the internship not being paid I have a lot of research to do into my finances as I am keen to stay on as long as possible.

I wanted to look professional yet stylish for the meeting. The couple of interviews I have had for internships never last long but I intend to make a good impression. I mixed black smart jeans with this Aztec top and picked out the light pink in the top by teaming it with this casual dusty pink blazer. I then added my link chain from French Connection and my hot pink heels from Next to make the outfit more dressy. I curled my hair as I feel it adds more shape around my face and kept the rest of my jewllery simple with my Chamilia charm bracelet and Tiffany Picasso ring; both gifts from my lovely boyfriend. I painted my nails a deep red to contrast to the pink. What do you think?
Pink Blazer River Island £35
Aztec top River Island (not sure on price but about £18?)
Chain necklace French Connection @ Asos Sale £18
Black skinny jeans Next £24
Hot Pink peep toe heels Next sale £15

Afterwards I met up with my friend Lucy who is currently on placement in the design department of John Lewis. I am so happy for her: she has a few designs coming in to the shops in the children's department! *Big Clap* We spent the rest of the evening at Strada on Baker Street and then went to a bar after for drinks. It was such a lovely summer evening giving me a real taste of life in the big city!

Oooohhh! I cannot forget to mention I am CONVINCED Chris O'dowd (Bridesmaids and IT Crowd) came and sat next to me on the bench outside the building of my interview. After watching Bridesmaids I kind of gained a huge obsession with him and his Irish accent so was too paralysed with nerves to confirm it was him but honestly, I am 80% sure it was!

Hope you are all well. Does anyone else have any fashion career news?

Much love, K xx
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