Friday, 16 November 2012

BeautyFriday: Review: Tesco Make Up wipes.

I had been recommended Tesco facial wipes by a friend from University not only because of their extremely cheap price tag (99p) but because of their excellent ability to remove make up. Admittedly it was the cucumber range but these Sensitive Cleansing Wipe bad boys do just as good.

I know face wipes are extremely frowned upon, or so it seems, but they are so handy and so commonly used its worth the review. Due to my often busy schedule I am a sucker for them and surely taking off your make up with anything is better than not at all. (Unless it is some sort of corroding acid!)

I am not a fan of soggy versions as you know from my post on Johnsons wipes but these are warming on me. The wipes are so soft and remove your make up instantly, even tough mascara after a few fiddles with your eyelashes. They are bordering on the wet side but the moisture soon soaks into your skin and doesn't leave you feeling greasey like other products I have tried.

They smell soft, are kind to the skin and don't leave me red raw from scrubbing. Just as it says on the tin - or packet in this case. I always buy Sensitive skin friendly products and am so pleased when they work, the worst thing is blotchy skin.

I tried the cucumber ones a while ago and remember being relatively pleased but due to it being some time ago do not want to review on my foggy memory.

At 99p for 25 wipes from many Tesco stores and online, I say - 4 stars! Hurrah! Go get it girls.


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