Happy New Year Bloggers!
I know, I know, it has been a while. Truth has it, a lot of changes have happened in the last few months for me. I won't go into them as they are pretty personal but I am hoping they are going to make me a better, stronger and more determined person.
So it's a New Year and with the sore headaches and hangovers comes with that 'starting afresh' feeling. I love it how we all feel that beginning January 1st all our old problems will disappear, we will become new people with new attitudes and new lives. Truth is sadly its going to take more than 24 hours to kick those old habits, personal traits and cobwebs we have carried for so long.
But, there is no hard trying right? I've got a whole year to work on it? Despite the naivety of New Year I quite like the sense of setting new goals and turning the negative parts of my life around. I am trying not to be too unrealistic this year and settled for these....
1. Write one thing that has made me happy every day for the whole year. - Ok, so this sounds like I have been a bit depressed but really I just noticed how negative I have been recently. I am extremely lucky and need to start focusing on the positive parts of my life and stop dwelling on the insignificant blues day to day life brings. Even if its having lunch with a friend, finishing a job application, there are plenty of things to be happy about and so far it has really lifted my spirits.
New Year with my best friend was a great start to my happy list. - Excuse the blonde haired photo spoiler in the background *sigh* |
2.To go travelling, even if its for a month. - Since going travelling when I was 17 for 4 weeks I have been wanting to get back out into the big wide world. For one reason or another I have been putting it off but this year, is now my year. I don't want to be too ambitious and plan six months or a year round trip as one big lesson I have learnt is, no one knows what the future holds but even if I go out and work on a project for 3 weeks at some point this year I know I will feel I really have accomplished a dream of mine.
Helping a Cambodia school when I went travelling in 2007 with World Challenge |
3 To get a job - Now this is something I can't completely control but I am determined to get my butt into gear, get out there and find my dream job. No more part time jobs or unpaid intern stints, I am a fully fledged graduate with 5 months work experience under my belt, an adult and I need to take control of my life! (You go girl!)
Graduating November 2012 - No longer a student, time to get a job! |
I think I am going to keep it to the magic three. Of course I'd love to get fit this year, focus on my eating habits and work on making my blog a success but really, after all the things that have been happening recently, I just want to feel me again. Thinking about it, these three things are me; I have always been a career driven, happy person who wants to explore the world. I started to get really uptight, stressed and I feel I lost sight of my future and goals which ended up making me feel quite down. Excuse the cheesiness but I have realised life really is too short and its time to start living.
I hope you all welcomed 2013 with good spirits. What are your New Years resolutions?